Picking the right dumpster size is not always easy. You don’t want one that’s too big or too small. If you are wondering ‘what size dumpster do I need?’, we can help. Here are some tips to help you to find the right dumpster rental size.

What Size Dumpster Do You Need?

A roll-off dumpster can help you to save a lot of time and money during your cleanout. What size are dumpsters? You can find a dumpster in many sizes but the size of roll-off dumpsters will depend on the dumpster rental company you choose. Here are some roll-off dumpster rental sizes available at Junk Boss:

  • 6-Yard dumpster container – 2 tons
  • 10–Yard dumpster container – 3 tons
  • 15-Yard dumpster container – 4 tons
  • 22-Yard dumpster container – 5 tons

3 Factors to Select the Right Size

Now that you know the sizes available, you must be wondering “what size roll-off dumpster do I need?”. Here are 3 factors you should be looking at before deciding on a dumpster size:

1) Type of junk you are tossing out

Do you need to throw out household junk or construction debris? Although you can throw a range of items out in our dumpsters, some smaller dumpsters may not be suitable for heavy materials like dirt and concrete. You may need to hire out bigger dumpster rentals for these materials. If you are simply cleaning out your home, smaller dumpsters may be enough. It’s best to call a junk removal expert if you are unsure about what items you can throw out and which items are suitable for roll-off dumpsters.

2) The volume of the items you are tossing out

As you can see from the Junk Boss size range, dumpster sizes are limited by the volume they can carry. Exceeding the volume will be risky as your items may fall while the junk removal team is hauling them off. They won’t move your items if you exceed the volume size or they will remove items from your dumpster (and charge you extra for overloading the dumpster) so it’s important to get the volume right. It may be difficult to know how heavy your junk will be but when you call the Junk Boss team, we can help you determine which dumpster can handle the volume of your junk.

3) Where will you be keeping the dumpster?

Where is your dumpster going to be placed during your junk removal? Larger dumpsters may not fit in tight areas. If you are doing cleanups at residential properties, you have to make sure you are not blocking your neighbor’s driveway or space. It is probably best to rent a smaller dumpster in these cases. Larger dumpsters are more appropriate for construction or business sites. Remember to make sure you are allowed to have a dumpster on a premise.

Still wondering “how big of a dumpster do I need?”. Here are some suggestions when you rent a dumpster from the Junk Boss team:

Don’t worry if you can’t decide what dumpster rental you need – we have experts on standby to help you out. Simply fill out our form or speak to our consultants before you rent a dumpster and we will advise you on a dumpster rental size that works for you. Don’t forget to let us know what you need to be removed so we can help you determine if the dumpster volume size is right for you.

Contact us today for help finding the right dumpster size!