If you’re looking to clear junk out of your home, you basically have two options for disposal: you can hire a junk removal service or you can rent a dumpster. To find out which of the two is the better option for you, read on.

What is dumpster rental?

It’s exactly as it sounds: you rent a dumpster, which is delivered to you – placed outside your home on the curb, in the front yard, or even in your garage. The dumpster remains there for a standard rental period of 10 days (this can be extended at an additional daily rental fee if necessary), during which time, you fill it with your unwanted junk. When it is full, when the rental period expires, or when your clearance work is done, the rental company will come and collect the dumpster. In this case, aside from the delivery and collection of the dumpster, the entire job is up to you: you clear out the junk yourself.

What is a junk removal service?

Residential junk removal is a more personalized and more comprehensive service. When you are ready for your household junk to be collected, you call out the junk removal service. A truck, as well as a collection crew, arrive at your house at the specified time, you point out the items you want to be removed and the team carries them out for you. Once the truck is packed, your unwanted items are hauled off for disposal. 

Junk Boss offers both of these services. Although we are more than happy to provide dumpsters of various sizes for you to use, we also have experienced crews who can safely and efficiently remove your things and dispose of them according to your wishes. We take a wide range of items, including furniture, appliances, e-waste, construction debris, garden debris, and more. If you need a reliable and efficient junk removal service, contact Junk Boss today.